Latin US Day

Chef Alfredo Oropeza and Claudia Romo: The Latino population is represented below 4%

Latin US Day in Cannes began with the exclusive launch of MXN, a new travel and gastronomy program celebrating Latin culture, led by Chef Alfredo Oropeza and Claudia Romo Edelman, CEO and Founder of We Are All Human Foundation.

“For Latinos, food is one of the main elements of cohesion, but we are also talking about other elements that unite us, such as language and family,” explained Chef Alfredo to PRODU.

The format of MXN is a multiplatform content initiative, encompassing both traditional long-format content and shorter segments tailored to different audiences.

“It is a bicultural and binational journey because we will be filming in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and various states in the U.S. It is an ambitious and different project in terms of rhythm compared to what we have seen so far in long-format travel shows,” he described.

MXN is a project rooted in gastronomy, built on four pillars that create emotional connections: cuisine, culture, language, and community.

“This could not become a reality without the input of Claudia Romo Edelman as an individual, but also for what she represents through We Are All Human and Hispanic Star, and all the data she has been able to gather through the research conducted by her foundation, highlighting the need to talk about what is happening.” On this point, he recalled the relevance of the Hispanic population in the U.S., being the fifth most important economy in the world. “In the communications industry, the Latino population is represented below 4%, and normally when we are represented, it is in service roles or as drug traffickers. This needs to evolve by continuing to generate a much broader narrative.”