Latin US Day

Nicolas Iribarren of Planta: We offer a comprehensive carbon footprint measurement management service

Nico Iribarren, Executive Producer & Partner at Planta, shared that as part of their efforts to decarbonize the industry, they are offering a comprehensive carbon footprint measurement management service for audiovisual event productions and public roads.

“When we started this mission, we wanted to find the points and opportunities to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible. We always wanted to adhere to quality standards and certification,” he said.

In this regard, they found that there was no product or service that measured the carbon footprint in audiovisual or advertising events.

“A custom-made protocol must be created for each service, whether it’s camera or lighting, construction, and transportation. We have developed guides to expand this purpose and inspire colleagues,” he said.

In this expansion work, they developed this service for advertisers, agencies, and production companies that need carbon footprint reduction policies and ethically reward them.