Latin US Day

Stacie de Armas of Nielsen: U.S. Hispanic market is a force to be reckoned with

One of Nielsen’s strengths is that they are specialists in understanding all diverse markets. For Stacie de Armas, SVP, Diverse Insights, Nielsen, one of the panelists at Latin US Day in Cannes, it was very relevant to hear from the different specialists about the value of Hispanic market growth.

“At Nielsen we know that the U.S. Latino market is a force to be reckoned with. The most important thing I heard in the talks was that marketers are absolutely prepared to consider where their brand stands with U.S. Latino consumers” she told PRODU.

One of the most important things they have learned from Nielsen is that the Latino market is constantly evolving. “Latinos today are getting younger and younger. They are consuming more TV in general, of course, very active on social media and other places. But one thing Nielsen knows very well is how to reach, engage and convert Latino consumers. So reach out to us, we have resources, opportunities, and we can share our capabilities with you when you are reaching out to us Latinos” said de Armas.

Stacie was grateful to be part of the first edition of Latin US Day at Cannes, which took place as part of the Cannes Lions Festival on Thursday, June 20. “We have a wealth of information and resources, and we are thrilled to be here to be able to support the mission and a better understanding of the U.S. Latino consumer.”

The Nielsen executive was on the panel Harnessing AI to Craft Content for the Latino Market.